02 Feb Year 1 as sculptors
This term Year 1 are learning about sculptures, we used clay and modelling tools to explore and practise different techniques such as rolling and pinching to manipulate the shape. [gallery ids="12921,12922,12923,12924"]...
This term Year 1 are learning about sculptures, we used clay and modelling tools to explore and practise different techniques such as rolling and pinching to manipulate the shape. [gallery ids="12921,12922,12923,12924"]...
Year 2 had their first music lesson of the term last week. The children learned lots of body percussion and some new notes before practising composing 'London's burning' on the ipad keyboards. [gallery ids="10897,10898,10899"] ...
This term our Year 4 pupils have been leaning to code on scratch. They have developed their understanding of how variables work and explored how to make characters change costumes. [gallery ids="10253,10254"] ...
This week the teachers in KS1 have seen children taking part in a wide range of exciting hands on activities from fishing and gardening to dress making. Year 2 are studying Rosa Parks and the teachers have enjoyed reading interesting and carefully considered thank you letters...
This week the children in Reception have settled back into the school routine brilliantly. They have been learning about their new topic ‘Capes and Crowns’. We started the term off by reading the book ‘Supertato’. The children enjoyed engaging in a range of superhero themed...
The key worker pupils learned to tear, overlap and layer using various paper and colour types to create different effects during an afternoon of art. [gallery ids="9420,9421,9422,9419"]...
We have seen a number of holiday projects sent in to the home learning email address. What an amazing effort and fantastic outcomes! [gallery ids="9358,9359"]...